Sunday, September 30, 2007

4:18 AM

a pedestrian struck, a shooting, a car into a house and another bullshit mva later, my egg sandwich was missing the egg, coffee was stale and in need of doctoring, and donut left something to be desired, but other than that, I feel satiated. thank you tim horton's for another quality experience. sorry, just had to get that out.

watching some films lately, a few docs here and there, currently in the midst of Zodiac. on the non-fiction tip, i am struck mostly by the quality of stories out there, coupled with the lack of quality in terms of the technique. recently viewed 51 Birch St., and while I found the subject to be worthwhile, I am always amazed at the visible inequities of production value. i'm not talking about hollywood blockbuster special effects mind you, but simply well placed lights, cutaways, decent sound quality. started Grizzly Man, but got interrupted. Herzog is adept at both fiction and non-fiction, so I look forward to finishing. i'm also in the midst of "The War", ken burns' latest epic. the jury is out.

on my own project front, i have gathered some contacts on the funeral director project. plan on making a few calls and potentially beginning to shoot this week, hopefully will have some raw for midsemester at the very least.

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