Monday, September 04, 2006

the preponderance of thought drags me to a substratum previously unknown...

a realm of possibility inquires about the price of original sin, but not without first unmasking the fallacy of natural order.

imbibe at a well of indecision.


indulge me in this endeavor, now, for the purpose of discussion. my delineation into the art world began at a young age, and grew to a passion for seeing things with a discerning eye and thinking of the possibility for exploration into a myriad of subjects. my experience as a studio artist has grown into an interest for things visual relating to television and the effect of this media on its audience, film and the endless range of expression that comes out of these arenas. it forces us out of a comfort zone and demands for us to seek the answers to certain questions about society and culture.

to turn the conventions of art and visual imagery on their heads can be an important method for new understanding. sometimes bias is bred from a familiarity with a subject. we can't help but be biased, but it becomes necessary to shake up the formalist approach that we may subscribe to.

it seems to me that this is what we are trying to do. it is a daunting prospect at times, since ways of reading and making images may be so ingrained, we are unaware of the consequences of our perspective. but we must examine the reasons for making the work that we do, just as much as we consider the work itself. i believe it was Hegel's idea that was brought into the discussion as it relates to historical change. we are constantly reacting to what was done previously and often we are reacting against it, only to come to the conclusion of synthesis. our own ideas are only as original as what came before us. but that is not to say that what we do is unoriginal. we can't truly reproduce someone else's work even if we try (not that we should). we make out own mark. but it is crucial that the work is well thought out.

some key questions:

how are my own ideas a projection of the limits of my experience?
how has conventional thought influenced my perspective?
how do i begin to break down the barriers to a more pure perception of ideas?
how do the modes of dialectics play a part in the making and viewing of art?

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